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© 2025 George Carlson Limited
Terms of Use

Welcome to GC, if you continue browsing and using this website means you accept the terms and conditions bellows, if you don't agree with any term of it, please do not use the website.

a, Information and content of this website might update and change anytime, GC does not sent notification.

b, This website might use cookies to understand user's preference.

c, GC or any third party does not guarantee the accuracy, promptness and applicability, user acknowledge and accept any inaccurate information, we can not exclude possible inaccuracy or mistake.

d, Any direct or indirect consequences leads by information from this website, user take all responsibility.

e, This website owns rights include but not limit to information. website design, layout, and graphic. User can not download and save information from the website.

f, Any information, picture and cases on this website if involve a third party, copyright own by third party.

g, This website might include links to other websites, it does not means we agree their information and perspective, we do not bear any responsibility of those websites.

Any agreement occurred by using this website, agreement will subject to England, North Ireland, Scotland and Wales law.

© 2022 George Carlson Limited